17 Very Important Cat Jobs | Bored Panda

17 Very Important Cat Jobs | Bored Panda

Being a cat is not just about being cute or beautiful or mysterious. Cats actually have a lot of critically important jobs which us humans tend to take for granted. We’re the artists behind the creative studio Last Lemon, and after we posted a few illustrated...
IAABC: Dog Park Safety Project Infographics

IAABC: Dog Park Safety Project Infographics

We are pleased to announce the launch of our Dog Park Safety Project; a series of posters that are the result of a collaboration between the IAABC, Dr. Jessica Hekman and artist Lili Chin. The goal of this project is to promote safety in dog parks and in dog play...
Benefits of Cats

Benefits of Cats

Series of whimsical illustrations shows people the benefits of having a cat.Learn why cats are the best pets. Clever cat illustrations by Lingvistov. Source: Benefits of Cats