by admin | Sep 21, 2017 | Blog
Please join us at the annual Art Bark dinner with a live and silent auction on Saturday, October 14th at The Nineteenth in Castlegar. This will be a fun evening of entertainment and fine food with animal lovers and art enthusiasts alike. When: October 14th, 2017...
by admin | Feb 16, 2017 | Blog
National Cupcake Day is the most delicious fundraisers that we have been happily a part of since our store opened 6 years ago. You can not beat buying lots of fun cupcakes, cookies, squares, and dog/cat treats when all the money you spend goes to our local BCSPCA...
by admin | Nov 15, 2016 | Blog
Barks and Recreation will once again be hosting pet photos with Santa this year. All proceeds will be heading to our Trail Regional BCSPCA. Often there is only a split moment where both people, animals, and Santa are all perfectly aligned for a great photo and Larry...
by admin | Oct 6, 2016 | Blog
These stickers are available at Barks and Recreation in downtown Trail and Co-op gas station in Fruitvale! The sticker proceeds will be split and given to the local SPCA and the Montreal SPCA for fighting the anti pitbull law in Montrèal. If you would like to show...
by admin | Feb 21, 2016 | Blog
When: Monday & Tuesday, February 29th & March 1st, 2016 Where: Barks and Recreation in Trail What you can do: Bake some donation to sell or come and buy a bunch of yum! Join us for the sweetest day of the year! Barks and Recreation will be holding an event in...