[igp-video src=”http://bnrbc.ca/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/50-off-custom-painting-by-cameron-dixon-winner-is….-.-.-.-.-.-.-sarah-nicol-sarah-won-via-her-entr.mp4″ poster=”http://bnrbc.ca/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/50-off-custom-painting-by-cameron-dixon-winner-is….-.-.-.-.-.-.-sarah-nicol-sarah-won-via-her-entr.jpg” size=”large”]

50% off custom painting by Cameron Dixon winner is....
Sarah Nicol!! Sarah won via her entry on the Cameron Dixon's Art Facebook page.Sarah, please message me via my website:
OR my facebook page:
OR Barks and Rec's Facebook page:
www.facebook.com/barksnrec/I will pass along a coupon code that you may use on my Etsy site for any custom painting.Congratulations and thank you all who participated!

Sarah Nicol!! Sarah won via her entry on the Cameron Dixon’s Art Facebook page.

Sarah, please message me via my website:
OR my facebook page:
OR Barks and Rec’s Facebook page:

I will pass along a coupon code that you may use on my Etsy site for any custom painting.

Congratulations and thank you all who participated!

Image shared via Barks_and_Recreation Instagram http://instagram.com/barks_and_recreation

Barks and Recreation Pet Services Inc.
1208 Pine Ave.
Trail, BC

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