To all of our valued clients, we will be changing our size categories, service types, policies and pricing for our grooming service in 2023.


  1. We can no longer accept extra large dogs over 110lbs that are not already existing clients. We have found that our facility (especially our tub) simply is not set up to accommodate this size of dog.
  2. All clients must come on a regular schedule as recommended by our head groomer Brenda. This could be anywhere from every 4-6 weeks to a few times a year.
  3. Dogs over 1 year of age who have never been groomed before (or dogs who have been 6+ months without grooming) will be accepted on an evaluation basis for their initial appointment. What can be accomplished in this initial session and wether they will be accepted to return as a client will be evaluated in their first appointment, and dependent on behaviour and coat condition.

Our size categories will change to the following:

  • Small: up to 14lbs
  • Medium: 15 to 34lbs
  • Large: 35to 79lbs
  • Extra Large: 80 to 110lbs

Appointment categories and pricing will change to the following:

  1. Bath & Tidy (Short Coat or Maintenance)
  • Small $35 and up
  • Medium: $45 and up
  • Large: $55 and up
  • Extra Large: $80 and up

2. Full Groom/De-Shed (Double coats, Long coats)

  • Small $45 and up
  • Medium: $55 and up
  • Large: $75 and up
  • Extra Large: $100 and up

3. Doods n’ Poods (Curly Coats)

  • Small $60 and up
  • Medium: $70 and up
  • Large: $90 and up
  • Extra Large: $120 and up

4. Practice Groom (Puppies, nervous dogs, dogs new to grooming)

  • All sizes: $30