[igp-video src=”” poster=”https://www.bnrbc.ca/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/hailey-s-came-into-the-store-to-pick-up-her-cat-basket-prize-at-barks-and-recreation-in-downtown-tra-300×300.jpg” size=”large”]
1208 Pine Ave.
Congrats and thanks to all the people that helped set up the expo as well as the fantastic people that came to see us at our cat basket draw we made for the Kootenay Healthy Lifestyles Expo booth ??.
Image shared via Barks_and_Recreation Instagram http://instagram.com/barks_and_recreation
Barks and Recreation Pet Services Inc.
1208 Pine Ave.
Trail, BC
[igp_map lat=”49.09563″ lon=”-117.71104″ marker=”Barks and Recreation” style=”ROADMAP” class=”” width=”400″ height=”300″ width_type=”pixel” height_type=”pixel” zoom=”15″]